Friday, July 17, 2009

So many things have happened over the past week, it's crazy!

First, I lost out on both jobs. BUT, I am now in coaching and feeling pretty good about it. I think I'm taking a huge step forward, even though it's setting me way back monetarily. I have to be positive and believe that what I'm doing is going to pay me back thousands-fold! It's scary to walk into a new venture with peer critiques, but I've got to take that leap of faith and know I can.

I did get some great news--the Pocatello Arts Council is going to engrave my poem on a paver and embed it in the sidewalk in Historic Old Town. I'm really excited! It's like having my own "star" on the Walk of Fame. I am thrilled about it!

I'm steadily making progress on the edits of my novel. I've got to get some help to make sure I've got facts correct. But I did set a date of July 31 to have the editing done, so I've got to get moving.

Karate was a blast last night. We're making progress there too! I like learning the moves, but actual combat with someone else is a different story. We were practicing blocking, and I didn't do so well. But practice makes perfect, and practice is what I need.

Hopefully next week will be great too! I really need to be patient and learn and perfect my skills. It is all going to pay off in the end!

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