Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Enter a Contest

I just finished reading a batch of stories for a short story contest. It’s one of my favorite things to do, and I feel blessed to have the opportunity to read what others produce.

I love to enter contests, although I don’t do it as often as I used to. Here are three great reasons to enter a contest:

1.       Find out how strong your writing is. Enter a contest that offers a critique (it’s usually a small fee), and give it a go. You’ll get feedback, and know if you still have some work or learning to do.

2.       It can jump start your creativity. Contests that have a particular theme or prompt, or a very small word count make you think about writing within the parameters that someone else sets. It can be challenging, but it can be fun.

3.       It’s rewarding. If you win, you might get some money, but you will also find your name on the contest website. You may be able to submit a short bio with links to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, and Goodreads accounts, as well as to your website and/or blog. Instant promotional opportunity!

One other thing to keep in mind—pay attention to the contest rules:

1.       Submit by the deadline.

2.       Keep within the word count.

3.       Send your story as requested: put it in the body of the email if that’s what they want, or attach the Word document if the rules say so.

4.       Include your identifying information in the proper place.

5.       Write with the theme or prompt in mind, if there is one.

Even though every contest entry will be read, be sure to edit, rewrite, and polish to perfection. The contest will post the winning stories, and they aren’t going to publish anything that is sloppy and riddled with mistakes, no matter how fantastic the storyline is!

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