Valentine's Day is a
day we should share with the person we love. When I was a child, my friends and
I looked forward to Valentine’s Day. Every year we made our Valentine boxes so
our classmates could deliver cards to us. We spent our nights writing Valentines
and putting candy in the envelopes. Sometimes we purposefully choose those
conversation hearts that said what we wanted to say.
Valentine's Day is
still a special day that I share with my husband, but this year, we’re going to
have a third wheel.
I’m going to pour my
heart out and write my love letter to another man.
My letter is going to
tell him how much he means to me, but it might also include other feelings I
have toward him. I may tell him about the times that he has annoyed me, or
surprised me, or made me downright angry. I may tell him how I wish he would
behave, or how I want him to change.
I’m writing my love
letter to one of my characters.
Through this exercise,
I hope to learn more about him, and improve my story. If it works, I may
celebrate Valentine’s Day more than once a year and write love letters to other
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