Thursday, April 25, 2013

WOW! Women on Writing


WOW! Women on Writing ( is an e-zine that began in 2006, and has evolved into a global website that has over 10,000 visitors a day. Angela Mackintosh, the Founder and CEO, is an incredible artist and writer who has put her heart and soul into creating a friendly place for writers to come and learn more about the craft (read my review here:
Ms. Mackintosh has run WOW! the smart way—by surrounding herself with other women who have stepped up and taken ownership of the site. These women are dedicated to putting out quality information, issue after issue, and it has paid off.
The current issue couldn’t have come at a better time. I sent the second book of my trilogy to my publisher, and it came back with requests for edits. I thought I had edited it to death before, so I decided to read what other people did in the editing and revision process.
After reading Devon Ellington’s article, “The Layered Edit”, I am more excited about tackling my edits. She uses a color-coded system, which I’m going to try. I generally edit and fix as I go, but using colors will most likely help point out areas that need extra attention. She also uses what she calls “purpose sheets” where she analyzes the characters and each scene to decide whether it stays or goes. It seems labor intensive, but I see how her method will help me cut words. I am certainly glad that WOW! published this piece.
Katherine Higgs-Coulthard also has a great article, “Help! I’ve Frankenmonstered My Manuscript”. If that title doesn’t catch your attention, her article will. I can relate to several of her examples, and have even created a frankenmonster a time or two myself. I managed to write myself out of them, but only after serious revision. Her tips are great, and I can see how they can help.
The column, “10 Questions” by Elizabeth Maria Naranjo is relevant. The two editors who were interviewed, Kelly Lynne and Annette Rogers, provided valuable advice. I especially appreciated their answers to questions four, five, and seven.
WOW! has been one of the Writer’s Digest “Best Websites for Writers” since 2008, for good reason. It provides fresh, interesting, and varied, content that is applicable to today’s writers. It's definitely one of my go-to places when I need suggestions and guidance.


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