Friday, March 5, 2010

I love it when new ideas start coming together to make a congruent whole!

It's amazing what happens when you hit on something that feels right. It has motility and is simmering in the subconscious mind at all times.

I've been churning around a plot for a few weeks, and it feels good. It feels like what I need to write. The excitement is there, the what if's are being asked and answered. I'm in the right place at the right time, connected to my inner thoughts.

The process of actually writing isn't this simple, but if I can keep the excitement cranked up at a high level, the words should fall out pretty easily. It's happened before, and it will happen again. Of course there will be days of struggle, but those are the days that remind me I'm only human. And I cherish those days because it makes the end result all the more wonderful.

Write on, friends!

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