Thursday, March 7, 2013

First Impressions

I admit I’m a headline skimmer. I look at them on and in the grocery store line. Every once in a while, one catches my attention and I have to open the webpage or the magazine.

I do the same thing when I’m at a bookstore. Sometimes it’s the title that catches my eye, sometimes the cover, and I pick up the book to read the blurb.

Those first impressions count. If your title isn’t alluring, strangers may not pick up your book. If the cover to your novel doesn’t grab someone, it will be passed over, along with hundreds of others.

I usually have a title to my work in progress before I start, but I am working on one novel right now that has no title. I love what I’ve written so far, but nothing sings to me yet. I know it needs to be provocative given the nature of my book, but everything I’ve come up with is bland or feels forced.  I’m not going to worry about it because I still have the other half of the book to write. When the right title comes along, I’ll definitely know it.

My husband is a pro at artwork. He has a knack for knowing what works and what appeals to others. I depended on him to help with my book cover for 2012: The Rising. When the cover was designed, I didn’t like it at first, but my husband told me it was perfect. I’ve gotten several compliments on the design, so he must have been right…again.

Your title and cover should be well thought out with your audience in mind. What will grab their attention? What will make them curious enough to stop and pick up your book? If it’s not enough, you’ll miss those precious sales!


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